About the creator of The Gamma Mindset, Chris Walton MSc;

Chris Walton is an internationally recognised performance psychologist, consciousness researcher and the author of two best-selling books;

The Gamma Mindset – Create World Champion Self-Belief in 5 Minutes Per Day.

Peak Performance in 60 Seconds – The 4 Essentials to Maximise Your Energy, Resilience and Performance.

Over the last 25 years Chris has created a cutting edge system to optimise the mind and body to maximise energy, health and performance.

Dissatisfied with the results from hypnosis and other change techniques Chris set about finding a way to change the limiting programs of the subconscious mind and quickly eliminate stress.

He used brain measurement instruments and cutting edge technology called electro-photonic imaging, along with bio-feedback testing of 1000’s of clients, to measure the effects of his techniques.

This resulted in; ‘The  Gamma Mindset’ – a scientifically validated process that creates a ‘brain wave signature’ similar to advanced Buddhist meditators, except it only takes 90 seconds!  This maybe the single biggest breakthrough in reprogramming the mind and eliminating stress.

“Chris is a leading expert in this cutting edge science and the Gamma techniques he teaches create deep change in your brain and body and give you the power to tailor your own destiny.”
Kazadi Kalangu M.D

Brain Surgeon and Professor of Neurosurgery

The Gamma Mindset is Scientifically Validated to;

  • Reprogram your subconscious mind with a new positive belief in less than 3 minutes.
  • Eliminate Stress and Increase Energy.

Plus, in the ‘Gamma State’ you get access to information that is not normally available to you in normal waking states of consciousness.

“The Gamma Mindset is a wonderfully effective tool for personal growth, I highly recommend this as a guide for experiencing a life overflowing with success, peace, happiness and love.”
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.

Cell Biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.

From 2000 – 2008, Chris researched peak and mystical states of consciousness and their effect on self-identity. During this research he had multiple ‘out of body experiences’ (OBE’s) which clearly proved to him that our consciousness is not created by our brain but is in fact a field of energy and information that flows through every cell of our body and connects us all together at the deepest level of our being.

In two specific shamanic ceremonies taking the sacred medicine called ayahuasca he experienced a total dissolution of Chris as a physical being and entered into what’s known as a cosmic consciousness experience. (You can read one of these accounts and his first out of body experience in the appendix of the Gamma Mindset book.)

He experienced that our brains do not create thoughts and feelings but instead are antennas transmitting and receiving a signal into and from a field of infinite energy, information and potential. This has now been verified at the leading edge of science and is described in chapter 7 of The Gamma Mindset book.

To say the least these experiences were totally life changing

Paradigm shift

“In over 25 years of coaching world class athletes and business executives to perform at their best, Chris’s Gamma Techniques are the most powerful and effective I’ve used.”
Ole Bloch

1980 Moscow Olympian and Executive Coach. Founder of the Institute of Management Coaching International.

Chris lectures on the MBA programme at the University of Westminster Business School and has his private coaching practice in Bristol, England.
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  • PhD in Integrative Medicine (Current Study) (Researching the Effect of Subconscious Mind Changes on The Human Energy field and Peak Performance).
  • Master of Science Degree: Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology. (Dissertation – Can you Create Peak and Mystical Experiences with Sound Technology and Guided Imagery).
  • Degree: The Science and Management of Health and Fitness.
  • Adult Development Theory – Dr. Susan Cooke Greuter – Harvard University.
  • Relationship Psychology – Professor Petruska Clarkson – University of Surrey.
  • Myers Briggs Profiling.
  • Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation–Behaviour™ (FIRO-B®) Profiling.
  • Enneagram Profiling.
  • Emotional Intelligence Profiling.
  • Energy Medicine, Frequency Medicine and Resonance – Dr.James Oschman.
  • Applied Psycho-Neurobiology & Autonomic Response Testing – Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.
  • Thought Field Therapy, Mental Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Hypnosis, Psychological Kinesiology.
  • Internationally Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
  • Forty two days expanded consciousness training at The Monroe Institute in the USA.
  • Many wild, challenging and enlightening hours in shamanic ceremonies using ayahuasca, iboga and psilocybin in South America, Africa and Europe.